Friday, August 15, 2008


No one got the brain bruiser and the food trivia questions right. I will use the food trivia question again because I like it. Louise got the riddle right and that was the only answer. Way to go Louise.

Andrew will be coming to the beach on Sunday. So if I'm late with the questions next week it will be because I will be cooking breakfast for Andrew. Have a good weekend.


Food Trivia

A distance
A body part
Can make you sweat
A creature

use this one again

Brain Bruisers

A few dollars to a few thousand dollars
Most young ones say "no"Designed to protect you
Four or five letters
Can help you or hurt you

Shoes or Shoe


How can you spell rot with two letters?



Food Trivia Question

A distance
A body part
Can make you sweat
A creature

Brain Bruisers Question

The proper kind of "shake"
28" in diameter
Many thousands of years old
The world record is 90 hours


What kind of person makes you smile most of the time?

1 comment:

Bobby said...
