Monday, August 04, 2008


I guess everyone was busy for the weekend because I didn't have many bloggers trying. Melanie got the first riddle and Bobby and Sandi got the Food Trivia question.


Food Trivia

Named after a town
A fictional little girl
Always round
Good for your breath
York Peppermint Pattie

Brain Bruisers

A phrase...SIFTJ
You must be patient
A court
Nobody wants to hear it
Save it for the judge

Something to think about:
Find a commonly used word that ends in T, contain the letters VEN, and starts with IN.

Riddle:Two for the weekend
In what way are the letter "A" and noon the same?
they are both in the middle of day

What animal talks a lot?


Food Trivia Question

Jif Peanut Butter
Can remove sticky stuff
The slogan has moms in it
Debuted in 1958...Can be messy
Brain Bruisers Question

A phrase...W.C.A.G.A.
Two words are the same
Think before you act

When do mathematicians die?


Louise said...

Riddle--They never die they just loose their functions...or it could be "when they loose their functions".

Claire said...

Louise it is not what is in the book so keep guessing