Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It's already Wednesday and it's cloudy at the beach right now but I hope the sun will come out for a little while because I want to go to the beach. I was planning to go yesterday but I called to get my hair cut. They could take me in 45 minutes so off I went. I just couldn't get everything done in one day. I had to do my Wii.

Melanie and Sandi got the food trivia question. Melanie also got the the brain bruiser question. Bobby got the riddle. Great because all the questions were answered.

Food Trivia

Small tree stuck in the middle
Deep fried and wrapped
A food and an animal
Called Pogo Sticks in Canada
corn dog

Brain Bruisers

A college dropout
Wasn't around before 1975
Words mean small and cushy
Some very rich people


What do you get if you cross a clock and a chicken ?
alarm clock


Food Trivia Question

A cute little bunny
Started in 1948
The end makes you think of speed
Seven yummy letters

Brain Bruisers Question

What do these words have in common?
Banana, Dresser, Grammar
Potato, Revive, Uneven, Assess

What kind of truck is always a "he" and never a "she"


Louise said...

Brain bruiser- If you move the first letter to the end you get the word spelled backwards.

Claire said...

Louise you are good

Louise said...

Riddle== Ford Ranger.