Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Scott had on his thinking cap because he got the riddle and the food trivia.

Food Trivia

Tree Bottom
Sometimes it Floats
Common BBQ
Beverage FoamTop
Root beer

Brain Bruisers

Imaginary Wall
Stops A & B?
Seen At the Beach
Clear During Use


What song did the baseball player hum when he was on third base?
There is no place like home or I wanna go home,

Brain Bruisers Question

Most take such special care of this and then out of get rid of it and somebody else tosses it in the trash. Four super-thin letters.
Food Trivia Question
This was the first commercially manufactured breakfast cereal. One word destroys paper. Tumbleweed.
What did the astronaut get when the rocket fell on his foot?
Myspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace Glitter


Louise said...

Food trivia-- Shredded wheat.

Claire said...

I thought I would get a comment on the cat picture if not the questions. I'm trying to keep you interested.