Thursday, July 05, 2007


I took these pictures of the fireworks last night. It was hard with the little camera. I had to wait a long time between shots. Not like my other camera. I remember what Al says if you get one picture you did good. I'm not so sure I got one but here are some of them.

Keith got the riddle right.

ANSWER:Why did the rabbit go the the barber?
To get a hare cut.

Well I didn't get the riddle book back from Keith in time to do it yesterday. I think he left it at Kwik copy. I had to find my other ones. HAHA

TODAY'RIDDLE:What has a foot on each side and one in the middle.

We had a little excitement Tuesday night. Bopper had to perform heel surgery on Andrew's foot because he had a splinter. He was brave. I thought you would enjoy the pictures..

Just checking to see where the splinter is in his foot

Decided not to look

Bopper at work

Checking it out

Do you see who's the nurse and look at the high tech light

It is all over and every one is OK now that it is all over.


Al said...

andrew you are brave booper can't see!!!!

Al said...

a yard stick!!!

Keith said...

This should be good for the judge, since Al stole the Answer from Glenn above or was it Glenn who stole it from Al.

Al said...

what????? that was my answer!!!

Melanie said...

Is just me or does andrew look like he is more pain after the splinter was removed?

Al said...

i think he takes after his uncle mickey!! andrew what was you api after the splinter was removed?

Les said...

With Booper taking out the splinter, could this not be considered child abuse? Just a question.

Mickey said...

Thats why you should wear shoes.

Trapper said...

Andrew luckey to have a toe left!
I beat you on time!!...LOL..LOL//

Bobby said...

Les the mn who destroyed santa Claus and put the a------ word in proper peerpective for Andrew...don't be throwing stones at Bopper

Bobby said...

Al should be aawarded the riddle solver for the day .I agree with Al . what does a yardstick have to do with fireworks?

Al said...

hank williams sr had a had song called "be carefull of stone you throw" i might have to loan it to les