Tuesday, July 31, 2007

donna's ?? birthday party pics

pic 1 is the good looking birthday girl!
pic 2 is donna getting some help blowing out the candles from the little tornado!
pic 3 andrew was complain because i was taking his picture, but like i told jacob, if your going to be a guitar hero or a baseball hero you'd better get used to the media being in your face. its all part of the game. work the media to your advantage!
pic 4 jacob is having to learn the hard way that when jonathan or julianne says they are going to do something they mean what they say! jonathan warned him several times and told him what was going to happen if he didn't leave him alone! this is what happened after jacob persiently nagged jonathan
pic 5 despite the efforts of julianne to shut jacob up with a sock the little tornado continued rollling right along, he was in a mood yesterday i think because we had a house full of people and he wasn't the center of attention. at ruby tuesdays he said he sure wished he could have had a nap and julianne, jonathan,donna and myself said at the same time we do to!!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Enjoyed the birthday party. Did the decorating lady have any good ideas.