Friday, January 04, 2008


Way to go everyone. Bobby got the food trivia,Mickey got the riddle and Louise got the brain bruiser question. Have a good weekend.
Food Trivia

A thin brandname...many products. Started 30 years ago. Many do this in early January. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.
Brain Bruisers

Put a coin in an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck of the bottle. How could you remove the coin without taking the cork out or breaking the bottle?
Push the cork into the bottle and retrieve the coin

Why are bird poor?
Because money doesn't grow on trees


Brain Bruisers Question

Why did yesterday feel a bit warmer than Wednesday considering the weather was about the same?

Food Trivia

My first is in fish but not in sail. My second in rabbit but not in tail My third in up but not in down My fourth in tiara not in crown My fifth in tree you plainly see My whole a food for you and me. What am I?

Today's Riddle

Why are owls so brave?


Claire said...

Louise I will have to find the answer for the Tuesday questions. I think the answers are at home. Sorry I yes I was still sick. HAHAH

Louise said...

Riddle- Because they don't give a hoot.

Claire said...

Louise tell me one of them. i have them but they are not dated.

Louise said...

Brain bruiser ===Explain what is happening...At 155 the number is 2000. At -80 the number is 1999.

Food Trivia===You can't really eat this. You want to give it...not eat it. The initials are"H.P." An adjective and a noun.

Claire said...

You can't really eat this. You want to give it...not eat it. The initials are"H.P." An adjective and a noun.
Humble Pie

Explain what is happening...At 155 the number is 2000. At -80 the number is 1999
Longitude...the number 155 is for China and -80 is Virginia ...and the large numbers are the years during New Year's Eve.

Yeah I found the answers

Louise said...
