Thursday, September 04, 2008


There were no right answers yestersday? I really thought they were easy. Melanie would probably agree with Lee and his sore throat.

My source for the food and brian trivia is drying up and it takes me a while to look through all the books. That is one reason it has been taking me so long to get things posted. HAHA Sometimes I forget where I find the questions
Brain Bruisers

Two animals.
Created in the 1800s.
Symbolism is everything.
These animals have power.
Republican Elephant and Democrat Donkey

Food Trivia

Seven yummy letters
Can be thin or thick
Add to things or eat it alone
A famous military man


What is worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?
A turtle with claustrophobia?


Brain Bruisers

Mary, riding her white horse, decides to go into the forest. How far can she go?

Food Trivia Question

This one is tough to spell
33% is from fermentation of ethanol
66% oil with many herbs and spices
It automatically burns calories


What did the frankfurter say when the dog bit him?


Melanie said...

Claire you are right - Lee with a sore throat or cold is your worst nightmare but he could break a bone and he wouldn't complain.

Melanie said...

brain bruiser - as far as the horse takes her.