Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Louise got the the riddle and the brain bruiser question right. I will give Bobby the answer to the food one because I'm in a good mood today. He said dough and it is close to flour.


Food Trivia

Five letters
A key ingredient
Two major types
Some like to fling it in the air

Brain Bruisers

What's closed when it's open and open when it's closed?
A drawbridge


Who invented spaghetti?
someone who used his noodle
Food Trivia Question

Rectangle, square, round
I use wheat Ritz Crackers
A brownish-orange top
A famous makeup initials
Brain Bruisers Question

The butcher, his daughter,the fisherman, and his wife won the lottery and divided the prize into three. How can this be?
What is the best year for a kangaroo?
Myspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace Glitter


Al said...

leap year!!!

Louise said...

Al, you beat me to it !!!

Louise said...

Brain bruiser==The butcher's daughter is the fisherman's wife.

Bobby said...

Claire is so nice to give me credit. I am glad she is in a good mood.