Wednesday, September 06, 2006


A single molecule of human DNA could stretch to over 3 feet (.9 m) long.

In tennis, zero points is referred to as love, which is possibly derived from the French word for egg, l'oeuf, referring to the physical appearance of the number zero.

No U.S. President has had brown eyes.

One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet.

The only part of the human body that cannot develop cancer is the lens of the eye.


Al said...

i can't believe the brown eyed president thing!!!

Claire said...

Me either Al. What is wrong with brown eyes.

bobby said...

Hogwash.This is the type of information I expect from Scott.

bobby said...

Hogwash.This is the type of information I expect from Scott.

Melanie said...

I cannot believe there were no brown eyed presidents - next time i vote am going to make sure my choice has brown eyes!