Friday, September 29, 2006


Keith got the riddle with the help of his dad.
Answer Riddle: What appears once in every minute, twice in every moment, but not once in a billion years?
The letter M
I put another riddle on the blog because Keith got it so fast. Scott got it before I looked at it on the blog.
BONUS RIDDLE:What gets darker as the room becomes lighter?
A shadow
Today's riddle:What is cut and spread out on a table but never eaten?


Mickey said...

I think that would coupons.

Keith said...

I like Mickey's guess, but the 1st thing that came to my mind was a deck of playing cards.

My final answer - a deck of playing cards

donna said...

Somebody needs to block Keith from the blog until later in the day!

Melanie said...

I agree - I concede he is the best riddle solver

bobby said...

I think he haas the riddle book.

Keith said...

First you accuse Mark of calling me a girl. Are you now calling me a cheater?

Keith said...

No, because I'm prospering and in accordance to your quote cheaters never prosper. Therefore, by your logic I'm not a cheater.

Keith said...

Plus, mom hasn't declared my answer being correct. You better start preparing your apology!!!

Claire said...

Well I better tell the answer so maybe you kids can stop the fussing. Ok the chief riddler(Keith) got it again.