Well I have say yesterday was another long day at work, I stayed in the warehouse all day and it was very warm in there yesterday. I just don't like being the warehouse all day, it just makes for a very long day and makes my feet a bit sore as well. Hopefully today I will be able to go out on the truck somewhere today, last week I went out on the truck the last three days of the week. My left hip was very sore last night and my left knee is still a bit sore as well and my right shoulder is a bit tender as well, I am just falling apart. Mom did get her computer set up yesterday but I am typing todays entry on the old computer because it appears the new one has gone to sleep and I don't know how to wake it up. It's going to be hot today so stay cool. I almost forget to mention that Brett Favre is back in the NFL with Minnesota Vikings, well the Packers didn't want him. MICKEY
Be Careful of Your Contact With Sick People. This is common sense that needs to be brought up again and again. If somebody around you--especially someone close to you--is noticeably sick, take extra caution. Don't share drinks or food utensils. Wash your hands thoroughly and gargle your mouth with salt water after interacting with them. Keep a safe (but not too rude) distance between you and the other person.
The only way to fail is to give up. Whatever comes, whatever happens, keep going.
Fix your eyes on the goal, and persist. Your vision, your commitment, and your actions will take you there.
When you can make great big strides, make them. When you can take only small steps, take them.
See every moment as the opportunity that it is. When the wind is at your back, keep going, and when the wind is blowing against you, keep going.
Make good and effective use of whatever you encounter. Tap into the positive value that is always there.
Know precisely where you wish to go and why. Keep going, and you are there.
-- Ralph Marston
Read more: http://greatday.com
L.Q. Jones Actor 82
Debra Paget Actress 76
Diana Muldaur Actress 71
Johnny Nash R&B singer 69
Jill St. John Actress 69
Fred Thompson Actor, former U.S. senator, R-Tenn. 67
Billy J. Kramer Singer 66
Eddy Raven Country singer-songwriter 65
Bill Clinton Former president 63
Tipper Gore Wife of former Vice President Al Gore 61
Gerald McRaney Actor ("Major Dad") 61
John Deacon Rock musician (Queen) 58
Jonathan Frakes Actor 57
Mary Matalin Political consultant 56
Peter Gallagher Actor ("The O.C.") 54
Adam Arkin Actor 53
Gary Chapman Country singer, songwriter 52
Martin Donovan Actor 52
Ivan Neville R&B singer 50
Morton Andersen Football player 49
Eric Lutes Actor 47
John Stamos ("Full House," "ER") Actor 46
Kevin Dillon Actor ("Entourage") 44
Kyra Sedgwick ("The Closer") Actress 44
Lee Ann Womack Country singer 43
Tabitha Soren MTV reporter 42
Mark McGuinn Country singer, songrwriter 41
Matthew Perry Actor ("Friends") 40
Clay Walker Country singer 40
Tracie Thoms Actress ("Cold Case") 34
Rissi Palmer Country singer 28
Erika Christensen Actress 27
Missy Higgins Singer 26
Karli Osborn Country singer 25
J. Evan Bonifant Actor 24
favre just needs to stay retired!
old guys rule!!!
favre is my hero - gray hair, gray beard and still tough
gray hair, gray beard and still tough, but no good.
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