Monday, February 23, 2009


Myspace Comments
Louise I liked your riddle answer better than the book but I have to go with the book. I will give you the answer to the food trivia question. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Food Trivia Question
A popular brand name
A country in the name
Thinking of a desert
A badge and mountain on it

Food Trivia Answer
Canada Dry
Food Trivia

A modern movie
First word: Ugly creature
A french word
Stewed veggies


Brain bruiser

Which city has the most people?
San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle
Nashville, Boston, Baltimore
Detroit, S.C., Atlanta

San Jose


Did you hear about the skunk who went to church?
He had his own pew

Why did George Washington sleep sitting up?
Because he didn't lie


Food Trivia

A French Creation
Butter/Lemon.Egg yolks
A "day" in the word
A country in the name

Brain Bruisers Question

Six letters
A competition
This love is a zero
Two or four people only
What did one elevator say to the other elevator?


Louise said...

Brain bruiser- Tennis.

Louise said...

Riddle- I think I'm coming down with something.

Lee said...

I am crowning Louise as the riddle Queen

Claire said...

I think you are right Lee

Louise said...

Never had a crown before. Wish I could answer the food trivia and brain bruiser....they are the hard ones.