Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Al is on the ball because he got the riddle right yesterday.

Did you know it's my birthday and that is why this is late. I slept to almost 8:00. I usually get up at 7:00. I guess I need the rest now that I'm older.


Food Trivia

It's not in the sky.
Very popular around the world.
Many colors with light and water
Second word has five smelly letters.
Rainbow Trout

Brain Bruisers

Spins and wobbles
Number three in line
One equals 366.26
A small cousin nearby


How do scientist know cavemen played golf?
They found the cave mans clubs!

Food Trivia Question

Named after a Mexican state
The word means "damp earth"
Fermented in barrels for 3 years
Bloody Mary cocktail

Brain Bruisers Question

The inside is poisonous
Expanding and contracting
Can create three states
Three different scales

What kind of dancing do geometry teachers love?

1 comment:

Al said...

square dancing!