Saturday, May 20, 2006


It looks like it is going to be a nice sunny day here in CH with temps in the low 80's. I am going to watch the the Rookie Devil Rays play noon at Ironbridge Park against the Giants. I am going to see if Andrew can continue to knock the cover off the ball. The UVA baseball team continued there winning ways last night defeating Va Tech 6-0, with the win the Cavs improve to 44-11 overall and 20-9 in the ACC and will play Va Tech again today in there final game of the regular season. The ACC baseball tournament will be played next week in Florida. The Nextel Cup Series is at the Lowes Motor Speedway this weekend for the Nextel All-Star Challenge Race tonight. Since CHHS is having it's senior prom tonight I thought would post this photo of dad from a few years back in the dunking booth at the after prom festivities, there must have not been any good arms there because he looks pretty dry. Also in case you missed it we have another new member on the blog and it's none other than Mr. Know It All sister Melanie. MICKEY

Here is a link to Al's photos from the Meadowbrook game

Age is no guarantee of maturity.
Lawana Blackwell

In 1861, the capital of the Confederacy was moved from Montgomery, Ala., to Richmond, Va.

Singer Joe Cocker is 62
Singer-actress Cher is 60
Actor John Billingsley is 46
Boston Red Sox pitcher David Wells is 43


Al said...

you stole my line scott!! i think he still has those pink shorts at the beach!!! maybe if your luck and we go out to eat he'll wear them for you!! just something for you to look forward to when you get there scott!!

bobby said...

Ithe big question is who will get a lucky dog

Al said...

i'm glad you see my genius!! do you have to cause trouble out there every friday night?

Claire said...

I was going to say the same thing about the shorts. I don't remember them at all

Melanie said...

I love the pink shorts! Real men can wear pink.

Hi Gary - it has been a long time. I thought I had better get on - no telling what they say about me. I was always picked on being the only girl.

Al said...

usually if your not on the blog we don't talk about you, but if you are, we talk about you and mickey will post old pics of you!!

Melanie said...

Well that's good to know - now ya'll can just fire away. Mickey already did that with the pic.