Friday, December 03, 2010


I think I got about three hours sleep last night, I woke up at about 1am with a terrible upset stomach which lasted about 2 hours and then I couldn't get back to sleep. My stomach is feeling better this morning but it still isn't just quite right, I think I got some type of food poisoning. The Colonial Heights girls basketball team improved to 2-0 last night with 54-30 win over Pope John Paul, they will play Trinity tomorrow. The Colonial Heights boys team will play Walsingham Academy tonight in the Trinity Tournament. Todays high of 45 is going to be the warmest day of our next 5 days, after today the high are going to be in the low 40's and just think winter hasn't officially started yet. MICKEY

Egg yolks are home to tons of essential but hard-to-get nutrients, including choline, which is linked to lower rates of breast cancer (one yolk supplies 25% of your daily need) and antioxidants that may help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Though many of us have shunned whole eggs because of their link to heart disease risk, there’s actually substantial evidence that for most of us, eggs are not harmful but healthy.

People with heart disease should limit egg yolks to two a week, but the rest of us can have one whole egg daily; research shows it won’t raise your risk of heart attack or stroke. Make omelets with one whole egg and two whites, and watch cholesterol at other meals.

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