Thursday, May 15, 2008


Scott you were right about the mess cheetos make but it was not the right answer about Jay. No one got the answers yesterday.

Food Trivia

A wonderful rust color
Jay Leno was a spokesman
It will turn your fingers orange
Seven letters starting in 1966

Brain Bruisers

Three letters or ten letters
Over 600 million in the world
Can't feed itself like its predecessor
The first line started in 1902
Car or Automobile


Why did the camper put his tent on the stove?
He wanted a home on the range.

Food Trivia Question

Each contains a message
Sold as "Galaxy" outside the U.S.
A pigeon
Should be eaten very slowly

Brain Bruisers Question

A sub-unit
Six letters
Five letters make you think of numbers
48 of 50 states have them

What do joggers say when they leave you?
Myspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace Glitter


Melanie said...

food trivia - dove chocolates

Anonymous said...

catch ya later

Louise said...

Riddle- Bye, gotta run.