Monday, April 16, 2007


Australia is the only country that is also a continent.

Australian termites have been known to build mounds twenty feet high and at least 100 feet wide.

Australians consume 60% more coffee than tea, a sixfold increase since 1940.

Australia's box jellyfish has toxins more potent than the venom in cobras, and is one of the most dangerous jellyfish in the world

Average calories burned daily by the sled dogs running in Alaska's annual Iditarod race: 10,000.

Average length of a coat hanger when straightened: 44 inches.

Average number of eggs laid by the female American Oyster per year: 500 million. Usually only one oyster out of the bunch reaches maturity.

Average number of hummingbirds required to create the weight of 1 ounce: 18.

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