Monday, August 21, 2006


The Flamingo gets its pink color from food high in alpha and beta-carotene.

The Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean is the deepest part of the oceans at 11,033 meters (36,201 feet) below sea level.

The scientific name for two different color eyes in the same individual is heterochromia iridium.

Steve Martin has hosted Saturday Night Live more than anyone else at 13 times.

Missouri and Tennessee are both bordered by 8 states.

The scientific term for nose-picking is rhinotillexonamia.

The spice Coriander is the dried fruit of the cilantro plant.


Al said...

not that i want too, but are you saying if i eat things that are high in alpha beta caroten that i could be pink too?

donna said...

As a second grade teacher, I'm sorry to say that I'm very familiar with rhinotillexonamia! Now I have a fancy name for it! Thanks!

Melanie said...

Al - try eating carrots at every meal and we will check! I want the phonetic pronunciation of rhinotillexonamia.

Al said...

i do like carrots! check me out come christmas time!!!