Wednesday, August 02, 2006


There is no medical name for boogers.

The white part of your fingernail is called the lunula.

Human nails and hair do not grow after death. After you die, your body starts to dry out creating the illusion that your hair and nails are still growing after death.

Humans eyes have two types of light-sensitive cells in the retina called rods and cones. Rods work best in dim light and can detect motion. Cones are used in bright light to detect color and details.

VELCRO® brand hook and loop fasteners are named for the French words "velour" and "crochet."

The capital of Australia is Canberra.


bobby said...

Very important factz ....not hogwash

donna said...

Some things just don't need to have another name!

Al said...

i know all about the eye thing and how that relates to what a camera sees!what your eyes see is not always a true indication of the true colors thats why sometimes you take a picture and when you look at it it doesn't appear to be the same colors as what you saw! now don't get me into color temperatures!!!! whew thats a horse of a different color!!!

Al said...

lots of variables go into the photo processing of film or digital prints, so many so that there are many books written on that subject!

i'm with you mr know it all on the booger issue!

Claire said...

Again what can I say aout the STOOPID FACTZ

bobby said...

Boogers ....nasal secretion....Al is beginnong to sound like Mr. Know-It All.... A horse of a different favorite scene in the wizzard of oz....

Mickey said...

Now those are some stupid facts.