Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Well we won our first round game in the Appomattox League playoffs last night 18-4 at Shepherd Stadium and with the win will move on to the 2nd round next Monday at the Petersburg Sports Complex against a yet to be determined opponent. We dodged t-storms the whole game as the there was lightning to the north and south us most of the game and we even got a couple of rain showers as well but nothing to heavy. I was looking at the blog stats for yesterday and I noticed we had a visitor from Canada and another visitor from South Korea stopped by as well. The heat wave is going to continue today with high in the upper 90's before reaching the 100 degree mark the next three days, I just don't remember it being so hot for so long. MICKEY

Weigh yourself on Friday and Monday
For those trying to lose weight, experts have long suggested stepping on the scale at least once a week—that’s the habit of most members of the National Weight Control Registry, every one of whom has taken off at least 30 pounds and kept it off for a year or more. Now a new study from the Washington University School of Medicine ratchets things up. Dieters tend to splurge on weekends, the research found—but a Friday weigh-in (especially done first thing in the morning, when your weight is lowest) provides positive feedback that can blunt the temptation to overeat.

More than a million Indians are millionaires, yet most Indians live on less than two dollars a day. An estimated 35% of India’s population lives below the poverty line.

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