Friday, October 26, 2007


Happy Friday
Glenn got the riddle right yesterday. Louise where were you?


Food Trivia

A very large animal nose.The first word intentionally misspelled. Multi-colored circles. Introduced in 1963.
Froot Loops

Brain Bruiser
A basket contains five apples.
Please divide them to five kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket.
Give one apple with the basket to the last child


How do you e-mail a fish?
drop him a line

Brain Bruiser

Two girls are born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they are not twins....How can this be?

Food Trivia Question
Known as "Georgia Ice Cream". Abrasive particles or granules. Firmness of character. Five southern letters.

Why do dentist like potatoes?


Bobby said...

Georgia ice cream...A guess GRITS

Louise said...

I was busy yesterday with dentist appointments and dead car battery and etc. I'm back today.

Riddle- They are so FILLING...

Louise said...

Brain bruiser- They are two of a set of triplets. Is it cheating if I have to research the answer?

Trapper said...

Because they are so filling!!