Well today is tuesday the 13th and my day didn't get off to the best start because my atomic clocks alarm went off about 5 minutes early causing me to miss 5 important minutes of sleep. I hope that is not an indication of how the rest of the day is going to go. The US soccer team got off to a pretty rough start yesterday in the World Cup falling to the Czech Republic 3-0, there next game will be against Italy on June 17. The Carolina Hurricanes are just 1 in away from winning the Stanley Cup after last night 2-1 victory over Edmonton, the Canes can win the Cup in Raleigh wednesday night. Speaking of Hurricanes well almost TS Alberto hit Florida last night bringing heavy rain to west coast of Florida just north of Tampa, it is suppose to track up the east coast to NC and the back out over the Atlantic Ocean, I have posted the stormtrack that I got from the Weather Underground. I have also posted a photo which came to me in US Mail with no return address of a fellow blog member from back in his high school days. MICKEY
Baseball has been good to me since I quit trying to play it.
Whitey Herzog
In 1927, aviation hero Charles Lindbergh was honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York City.
Actor Richard Thomas is 55
Comedian Tim Allen is 53
"The Early Show" co-host Hannah Storm is 44
Actress Ashley Olsen is 20
Actress Mary-Kate Olsen is 20
George looks like a member of the 4 Tops
I'm waiting for the follow up picture of them ball room dancing
It's a good thing Al didn't see that tux before he picked his out for the wedding.
george,very spiffy!!!
I am very curious to know who this mystery picture came from. I am the only one supposedly with this. And by the way in the words of Ric Flair I was stylin' and profilin".WOOOOOOO!!! PS Scott I can grant you 3 wishes and Al's tuxes have been changed to this vintage 89 style. This pic might get Melody as a new member of the blog.
I don't know what to say. That reminds me does anyone know if Keith has been measured for his tuxes. He might have to get one like George's
to be the man you gotta beat the man woooooooooooooo! george you haven't beat the man!!!
I have beat the man. Didnt you here? And I will beat all the mans in go karts after rehearsal in the grudge match. Mick come clean on where you got this pic!!!!
no i haven't heard! how can you say you beat anybody on the go karts when your not even on the track because you've been kicked off the track? i'm sure if you can answer that scott will have the response on stoopid factz very soon!!
scott, good words of wisdom for our young go kart flunkie!!
Flunkie? I am the undisputed go-kart champ. I believe at least a 7 time champ from the mid 80's to the mid 90's. Probably more. The only race I didnt finish was the race Mick got us kicked off for aggressive driving. PS That go-kart attendant had it in for me from the start. He wasnt a Earnhardt fan.
you can't beat anybody on the track if your not on the track!
yes flunkie!!! you got kicked out or if you like you flunked out!!
taco probably won't remember who the champ was, but i'll bet he'll remember who won't the champ!!!
Taco actually called me the other day and wanted me to come back. He said he has never seen a more true racer ever in Rodanthe.
who did he say was a more true racer? are you sure he didn't say true "bench"racer ever in rodanthe?
Yeah taco said he remembered you Scott. Also said I had fans on their feet cheering for me.
george did you go to southside speedway friday night? was that you the gary kicked out for life? atleast taco didn't kick you out for life down at rodanthe
easy Scooter!! Just playin'. I wasnt actually thrown out I was placed on temporary leave.
george you sound like a politician!! you can put whatever name you like on it, you got kicked off!!! scott george doesn't have a problem he has an opportunity!!
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