Just to prove they are never too young to root for Dale Jr I give you exhibit A. Here is Lexi and me watching the Dover race a few weeks ago. Notice she cheers whenever a red car goes by. All this and only 11 weeks old. Her first word will probably be Dale not Mom or Dad and Melody isnt thrilled about it either. By the way that is not the move over flag for Jr. I will teach her all about Dale Sr but she will definitely root for Jr. No #38 or 88 here.
Who are you trying to look like Martin Truex Jr, I think Lexi's rooting for the 88.
the 38 ain't so bad!!
Oh yes it is Al. He is washed up and he is only 30. Hermie is better than Elliott.
donna says you might not want your wedding favors that we are giving out!
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