The Big Game in the Rookie League at Ironbridge Park is tonight at 7:30pm of field #4 as the Braves (coached by Vince Lamantia who has been MIA on the blog) against the Devil Rays (coached by Keith Goulder) the Devil Rays had a tough loss on tuesday and I don't how the Braves fared in there last game. Al will be hand to get some action shots of the game so we should have some photos on the blog friday and it is suppose to be in the upper 70's at gametime. Matoaca the only team left from the CD will be playing in the CR baseball playoffs tonight against Hanover. Also tonight the Carolina Hurricanes will play game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals in Raleigh against Buffalo with the winner advancing on to meet the Edmonton Oilers for Lord Stanleys Cup. I can't believe that today is June 1 already it seems like this year is flying by, before you know it school will be out again. I have posted a photo that George sent me last night of Lexi proudly wearing the colors of her fathers high school CH. MICKEY
How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.
Benjamin Franklin
In 1926, actress Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles.
Actor Andy Griffith is 80
Singer Pat Boone is 72
Actor Morgan Freeman is 69
Country singer Ronnie Dunn (Brooks and Dunn) is 53
Actress Lisa Hartman Black is 50
Model-actress Heidi Klum is 33
Singer Alanis Morissette is 32
i'm sure lexi has a jr hat too!! i'm surprised that george and melody could find such a small colonials hat!!
she is definately happy to be wearing the CH colors
Jr hat is too big for her head right now but just wait. Until then you will just have to admire her in the old CHHS hat. Hopefully she will ace school like I did
thanks for the clarifiction ag i had been wondering about that aced school comment all night! what about the other classes george, what happened there? teachers didn't like you?
There were in fact many teachers who had it in for me, most notably Senora Davis..Pure hatred for me. Could never read my Winston Cup Scene in peace..AG I did ace those extremely difficult classes you mentioned. My greatest scholastic acheivements were in Tussing with you Les. Thanks
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