Well it's a pretty cloudy morning here in CH but there is only a 30% chance of rain today but the temps are not suppose to get out of the 70's. I went to the Legion game last night at Shepherd Stadium in which Post 284 lost to Lakside Post 125 3-1, there wasn't much offense in this game and Post 125 used 3 different pitchers to slow Post 284 down. We have Appomatox League practice this afternoon, our season does not began until June 19 at home against Prince George. The Monacan Chiefs won the AAA sate baseball championship yesterday 9-8 over Oakton, this is the same Monacan team that lost to Matoaca 3 times this year. The Thomas Dale boys soccer team won there 2nd straight AAA championship 2-1 over Gar-Field, the TD soccer team has won 47 straight games. The Carolina Hurricanes lost 2-1 to Edmonton last night, the Hurricanes still lead the series 2-1. I have posted an article from the Goulder Press, I made this with a program that we have on the computer just to see how it would turn out. John I gave my donuts up this morning for some Reese Cups since you said that I shouldn't eat them. MICKEY
Some kids dream of joining the circus, others of becoming a major league baseball player. I have been doubly blessed. As a member of the New York Yankees, I have gotten to do both.
Graig Nettles
On June 11, 1776, the Continental Congress formed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence calling for freedom from Britain.
Former auto racer Jackie Stewart is 67
Rock singer Donnie Van Zant is 54
Football Hall of Famer Joe Montana is 50
Reeses Cups have protein and dairy, I'm sure! That's my kind of breakfast! Boy that Goulder Press is on the cutting edge!
mickey donna says its ok to eat some wedding cake!!
I don't eat cake.
mark and mary can both have two pieces of wedding cake! seems like deception (whether its who gets what number of pieces of "wedding"cake or in wiffle ball hall fame voting)runs in the family! good on point on the birthday, i mean wedding cake scott!! i heard wedding cake is fat free!! anybody know if thats true or not?
only if it is chocolate!
I say anything that comes from Ukrop's bakery is calorie free, including my wedding cake. George, PLEASE don't shatter my dreams if you know otherwise! With that in mind, I've been eating guilt-free cake ever since Dot's Bakery made the scene in CH!
And if you're looking for Mary, Bobby, Claire or me on July 8th, just follow the cake crumbs!
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