Monday, October 05, 2009


Louise got one of the riddles right on Friday. That was the only answer I had.

I hope you had a restful weekend. Me Ma Ruth is still ICU but we hope she will be out in a couple of days. Her heart rate is better but not where it should be.


Brain Bruiser

You move to an island in the middle of a lake. This lake is in a remote part of the state and there has never been a bridge connecting the island to the mainland. Every day a tractor and wagon gives rides around the island to tourists.. Puzzled as to how the tractor had gotten onto the island, you ask around. You find out that the tractor was not built on the island and was not transported to the island by boat or by air. How did the tractor get to the island?

The owner waited until winter and then drove the tractor over on the frozen lake.


What kind of beans won't grow in a garden?
jelly beans

What is a diver's favorite game?

What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator?
Why did the sub sandwich get a metal?


Bobby said...

It was a HERO

Bobby said...

Close the door I'm dressing.