Thursday, February 22, 2007


Does this remind anyone of a baseball game last year?

Melanie you got the riddle right yesterday. YEAH!

ANSWER:What do you call a grizzly bear with no teeth?

A Gummy bear


What do you call a group of convicts who go to the beach?


Tammy said...

Oh my, MEADOWBROOK, when the umpire threaten to throw the women out of the ballpark for telling him to clean the plate! hahaha. Good one Mrs. G!!! I will try to control myself this season and not cause any problems.

Al said...

i was going to document her in pictures getting tossed out of the ball park along with a picture of the plate covered in dirt!!

Claire said...

I'm going to try and behave myself but I really didn't do anything then.

Tammy said...

You just wanted to know what word you couldn't say. "PLATE!"

Melanie said...

If Claire was kicked out, Al would have been taking a picture of Her and Big G both going. Little G would have probably would have been with them too!!!

Melanie said...
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