Friday, December 04, 2009


I'm giving Scott and Bobby the answer to one of the riddles on Wednesday because I'm in a good mood this morning. Scott you had the right idea about the ladder but I can't give it to you because it is not in the book. My mood has changed.

Have a good weekend and I hope to get the riddles on Monday. It's really crazy around here right now. I haven't finished decorating yet. Bobby has done the two trees. It's usually done before Thanksgiving. do you think we will get any snow?



What is the shortest bridge in the world?
on your nose

How can you safety jump off a thirty-foot ladder?
jump from the bottom rung



What do you put in a barrel to make it lighter?

What kind of waves are impossible to swim in?


Anonymous said...

sound waves are impossible to swim in

Bobby said...

A hole in the barrel