Friday, March 30, 2007


I just lost the blog I was making and this is my second attempt. I am trying to keep the good attitude but it is getting harder.

Because of our lost last night I'm going to change how I usually announce the winner of the riddle. I usually go with the book but because Melanie and Keith answers were similar I will say its a tie. I hope my new attitude will rub off on everyone and we will get back on the winning track because I want happy faces at my house.

What kind of bars won't keep a prisoner in jail?
Chocolate bars or candy bars .

What kind of ties can you not wear?

I'm going to the beach after practice tonight. Have a good attitude and see you at the ballpark

and Family


Melanie said...

I'm with you Claire - I'll be happy to share my win with Keith. There were no happy face at my house last night either.

Keith said...

A railroad tie