Food Trivia
Much cheaper this way
Usually the middle of three
Not the actual food
Brown Bag Lunch
Brain Bruiser
3 of the top 100 in size
Named after a smaller one
Largest on in the world
400 years of history
Hampton Roads
What did the cow pack for her vacation in Hawaii?
She would take her moo moo
Food Trivia
A modern movie
First word: Ugly creature
A french word
Stewed veggies
Brain Bruiser
First, unscramble each word. Then figure out what all the words have in common.
mtooat plpae nlipnaat veoil cadaoov
Why are frogs so happy?
How does a rose ride a bike?
brain bruiser: tomato apple plantain olive avocado - they are all fruits.
Riddle one- They eat whatever bugs them.
The roses use their pedals po ride a bike
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