Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Louise you got two answers. You got the brain bruiser and the riddle. You are hard to beat. I will use the food trivia again.

The plumber's here working on the toilet. It was leaking.


Brain Bruiser

Why was the man able to pass three cars going 70 miles-per-hour, while he was going only 60 miles-per-hour?
The cars he passed were going in the opposite direction


To what man does everyone always take off his hat?
Food Trivia

My first is in fish but not in sail.
My second in rabbit but not in tail
My third in up but not in down
My fourth in tiara not in crown
My fifth in tree you plainly see
My whole a food for you and me.
What am I?
Brain Bruiser

Named after a store
Overlooks lots of water
Started in 1970
108 or 110
Why was Snow White elected to the Supreme Court?

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Seaes Tower