Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Good answer Melanie but not the one in the book. I'm at the beach and we have light rain.

Brain Bruiser

I am looking at somebody's photo. Who is it I am looking at, if I don't have any brothers or sisters and the father of that man on the photo is the son of my father?

I am looking at my son

Food Trivia

Can be red, yellow or white
Five sad letters
Used as rent in Middle Ages
The gas hurts an organ


Food Trivia

My first is in fish but not in sail.
My second in rabbit but not in tail
My third in up but not in down
My fourth in tiara not in crown
My fifth in tree you plainly see
My whole a food for you and me. What am I?

Brain Bruiser

Why was the man able to pass three cars going 70 miles-per-hour, while he was going only 60 miles-per-hour?


To what man does everyone always take off his hat?


Louise said...

Riddle- A barber.

Louise said...

Brain bruiser- The cars he was passing were going in the opposite direction.