Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

I hope everyone has nice and safe Memorial Day and don't forget the meaning of this day. Did anybody watch the race "I mean demo derby" last night? After all the wrecks and 600 miles Jimmy Johnson has to win the race, I sure was rooting B Labonte to win that race. Dale Jr and Brian Vickers sure didn't make any friends out there last night with there actions last night, I just don't know what either of them were thinking. I left the beach early this morning, I wanted to beat the traffic and had a few things aroun here to do. Al, Me Ma Ruth said that you were extremely upset that I said you may have one of her lawn mowers, she said that you don't like being accused of things that you haven't done and you were very upset about it. MICKEY

1 comment:

Al said...

depends on what story you listen too!! for the record my may pop mower is still running so i don't need to steal a mower!!