Saturday, January 02, 2010


Louise got one of the old riddle right and one of the new ones. Bobby got the other new riddle. I will give you the last old riddle again. I would like the answer myself. If I hear the answer I will remember the answer.

I'm at the beach and I forgot what day it was. I made the riddle blog thinking it was Friday. DUH!! I am a senior citizen. I was going to keep it to Monday but decided to send it today


I am the ruler of shovels.
I have a double.
I am as thin as a knife.
I have a wife.
What am I?
King of Spades

What do you call a finger that flips to the end of a book?
index finger

What can run but will not walk, has a mouth but will not talk, has a bed but will not sleep?
a river

old riddle

What animal is a weight loss fanatic?

New riddles

How did the gingerbread man make his bed?

What do you call a snail without a shell?

Myspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace Glitter


Bobby said...

Cookie sheets

Bobby said...

A slug but that is probably not the answer you are looking for