Monday, August 13, 2007

travel soccer began sunday!

the travel team didn't fair to well yesterday well i williamsburg sunday. it was a crazy to me format they played. they split the team, play on shorter fields, they play 6 on 6,no off sides and it looked like they didn't blow the whistle for much else either and the played 24 minute games with about 30 minutes between games can anybody find donna in pic 1? and i had some better pics of julianne other than the one posted (pic4) but in that one she's playing with a pink soccer ball and i know donna was enjoying that!!


Les said...

I believe that Donna is the one that looks like she is under the front of the black umbrella in the pink blouse and sun glasses.

Claire said...

Les I think you are right.

Claire said...

Al I'm glad you told me it was Julianne because it doesn't look like her.

Al said...

les is correct that is her!!! if its a action soccer pic usually they have a weird looking look on their face

Claire said...

HAHA it is a funny face

donna said...

I just realized that girl in the picture with Julianne has on sunglasses! I've never seen that before!