Friday, November 20, 2009


It was nice to hear someone else answering the riddles. Scott got one and Bobby got one.

Yesterday MeMA Ruth said she will not be coming home until next week. We have not talked to the doctor yet.

Have a good weekend. I hope to get something done. Right!! I don't know where to start.


What did the plug say to the wall?
Sock it to you

What goes up but never comes down?
your age


Brain Bruiser

Last Thursday, my aunt Martha forgot her driver's license at home. She was traveling down a one way street in the wrong direction and did not stop at an intersection to let pedestrians go. A policeman was watching her, but did not give her a ticket. Why?


What is the invention that allows you to see through the thickest walls?

Why are Saturday and Sunday so strong?


Bobby said...

The other days are weak days

Bobby said...
