Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Graphics and Layouts at DazzleJunction.com
Bobby got the brain Bruiser right yesterday. Way to go Bobby.

Brain Bruiser

Longest running in the country
Famous star got his start here
Rained out twice a Summer
It didn't end well

The Lost Colony


Why did the police charge the exterminator with murder?

He was a hired killer

Why did the archaeologist go bankrupt?

Because his career was in ruins

Graphics and Layouts at DazzleJunction.com


Brain Bruiser

Walk on the living and not even
a rumble or mumble.
Walk on the dead and they
mutter and grumble.


What is never out of fashion but always out of date?

What does a dog do that a man steps into?

1 comment:

Louise said...

Riddle #2- Pants.