Monday, February 18, 2008


No one got any of the questions right for the weekend so I am giving them to you again. You might get tired of seeing them so answer them today. I will give you another riddle.

What kind of carry-on did the puppy take on his trip?
Doggie Bag

Food Trivia Question

Branch of the military. Hundreds of types. Three or nine letters. Originated in Boston during World War II to entice sailors.

Brain Bruisers Question

It has a deck. You need grip tape. Ten letters...two words put together. Created when waves were small


What kind of money do crabs use?

Myspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace GlitterMyspace Glitter


Mary said...

Riddle: Clams?

Mary said...

okay, I will give it a try.

Food Trivia: Navy Beans? (It is the official state vegetable of Massachusetts.)