Saturday, July 17, 2010


I am happy to report that my left toenail did come off while I was at work yesterday and I didn't even know that it happened until I took my sock off after work. I have a partial toenail in place to replace the old one but it is not completely in yet. They still have not finishing remodeling the Wal-Mart here in Colonial Heights, they are probably about a month away from finishing everything that they are going to do. Dad still hasn't passed his kidney stone yet and is still in a bit of pain as well from time to time throughout the day. Also Fellow blogger Scott's dad is in the hospital down in Georgia, Scott said he was having chest pains when they took him in. MICKEY

While you absolutely need to take a pill of so-and-so twice a day, medications are dangerous if you have small children around that may mistake the various shapes and colors for candy. Here are some protective measures to make sure you little ones can’t get to your stash. Store your medications where your kids can’t find them (perhaps use a lock), never leave meds within reach (ie. purse, countertop), make sure your bottles have child resistant caps, have the number to the poison control center available at all times (ie. refrigerator door).

The dumbest people I know are those who know it all. Malcolm Forbes

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