Friday, July 17, 2009


graphic from

Louise and Bobby got the riddles right yesterday. I made a mistake in typing the brain bruiser so you probably didn't understand. You would of gotten it right if I had typed it right.

Have a good weekend.


Brain bruiser

Add two words to this equation
to make it true.
1 + 1 + 1= 1

1 foot + 1 foot + 1 foot = 1 yard


What is the biggest diamond in the world?

baseball diamond

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work?

a stick

graphic from


Brain Bruiser

A man accidentally locked his keys
in his car. He buys some milk & cookies
at the store and comes out and
unlocks the door without touching
anything outside his car. How?


What do you call something that everyone asks for, everyone gives,everyone needs, but very few people take?

How did the scientist invent bug spray?


Lee said...

Louise and Bobby got the riddles right? Claire! I got the riddle correct, not Bobby! HAHA

Bobby said...

I told you the answer.

Louise said...

Riddle #2-- Advice.

Brain bruiser--Used his remote.

Claire said...

Sorry Lee I don't know what happened to me. Lee got the riddle and nor Bobby