Thursday, December 09, 2010


Well I pretty much have been in allot of pain since about 7am yesterday, it is a good thing I had some hydrocodone here at the house for the pain or don't think I could have made it through the night. I think I have a kidney stone and I have an appointment this morning at 8:30am at Virginia Urology where I am hoping that they can do something for me. Scott called last night and gave me update on how Scottie has been doing so far this year with wrestling, after last nights 4 wins Scottie is now 14-0 for the year with another match scheduled for Friday night. The VCU Rams held on last night to beat VMI 86-80 last night, I have to say it was a much closer game than I thought it would be. If you like cold weather than the weather forecast is is for you, it looks like next week is going to be colder than this week. I am already ready for Spring & Summer. MICKEY

Brush and Floss
Oral health is clearly linked to brain health, according to a team of British psychiatrists and dentists.
After studying thousands of subjects ages 20 to 59, they found that gingivitis and periodontal disease were associated with worse cognitive function throughout adult life—not just in later years.

Tip: Follow your dentist's advice—floss daily and brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least once a day.

Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will. -James Stephens

1 comment:

Les said...

Ready for Spring? Winter doesn't officially arrive until Dec. 21st. and not hat, we haven't had any significant snow yet.