Thursday, October 18, 2007


Glenn had on his thinking cap yesterday because he got the riddle. No one got the brain question.


Why did the teacher go cross-eyed?

She couldn't contol her pupils.

Brain Question:

You have the misfortune to own an unreliable clock. This one loses exactly 20 minutes every hour. It is now showing 4:00am and you know that is was correct at midnight, when you set it. The clock stopped 4 hours ago, what is the correct time now?

10:00 a.m.

They are back. I don't have to hunt for questions.

What is easy to return but impossible to borrow?

Food Trivia Question

Blessed Event
Stuff Their Face
An Idol Sits Atop
A Few Are Taller Than A Person

Brain Bruisers Question

This was voted the most important invention in a poll in 2003.
Moving everywhere yet going nowhere.
Mass production began in 1885.


Melanie said...

riddle - a favor

I'm thinking on the others.

Louise said...

Food Trivia- a wedding cake