Monday, November 19, 2007


Louise got the riddle right on Friday. Have to go somewhere so no graphics today. I know Mickey will like that. Hope every had a good weekend.

Brain Bruisers

Most take such special care of this and then out of get rid of it and somebody else tosses it in the trash. Four super-thin letters.

Food Trivia

A machine was named after this food and named after a man. This food is a descendant from one thing in 1811
McIntosh Apple

Why did the police arrest the turkey?
They suspected it of fowl play.

Food Trivia Question

Many layers of sugar. An electrical term. Can last a very long time. Part of the face

Brain Bruisers Question

It's in food, buildings, bridges and even in you. A four-letter word your clothes need...especially sitting in the pew.

Why don't you ever find a fat glowworm?

1 comment:

Louise said...

Brain bruiser- Iron.

I posted earlier but don't know what happened to it.