Thursday, November 08, 2007


Louise got the brain brusier and Glenn got the riddle. The food triva was hard.

Brain brusier

I have hands that wave at you though I never say goodbye. It's cool for you to be with me especially when I say, "Hi".

Electric Fan

Food Trivia

Two green words. Pump. A northern state in the name. A food for a king.
Romaine Hearts
I don't make them up.


What do you call a bee born in May?


Food Trivia Question
A weather term. It just disappeared. Take out 60% of the water. A popular mustache

Brain Bruisers Question
You do not want to have me but when you have do not want to lose me. Hint: Seven letters.


I can sizzle like bacon, and I made wih an egg
I have plenty of backbone but lack a good leg

I peel layers like an onion, but still remain hole
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a whole.
What as I?


Louise said...

Brain bruiser- A lawsuit.

Louise said...

Food trivia- Milky way.

Claire said...

Milky way is not the answer in my book

Louise said...

Riddle- A snake.