Thursday, December 28, 2006


Keith did it again with the answer of the riddle. Maybe in the coming new year we will get some more bloggers guessing.
ANSWER:Why is it hard to play cards in the jungle?
Because there are too many cheetahs

RIDDLE: Why didn't the hotdog star in the movies?


Tammy said...

The roles weren't good.

Keith said...

Tammy, I'll give it to you but technically the correct answer is IAW my dixie cup "Their ROLLS weren't good enough!!

Tammy said...

Thanks Keith for your leniency regarding my answer...

bobby said...

I think I will start posting riddles that Keith and Tammy can't get the answers from the dixie cups....... A man went to see his girl on Friday ,stayed 3 days came back on Friday . How did he do it?

bobby said...

I think I will start posting riddles that Keith and Tammy can't get the answers from the dixie cups....... A man went to see his girl on Friday ,stayed 3 days came back on Friday . How did he do it?

Claire said...

I bet they can get that one

donna said...

He rode his horse named Friday!

Claire said...

I thought all the Goulder's knew that one. Even the newest Goulder