Friday, October 06, 2006


Adding a new riddle. I had the Dead sea as a answer but not the question.
NEW RIDDLE:What do you have to know to be a real estate salesman?

Keith did it again. I think he does research to find the answers.
ANSWER:When is longhand quicker than shorthand?
On a clock

Where do mummies swim?


Keith said...

Dead Sea. Didn't we have this one before?

bobby said...

No , he works for the gov't at Fort Lee. Going to work at6AM , He and his fellow workers sit around working on the riddles between coffee breaks and lunch.The only people doing less work than gov't workers are state employees.

Keith said...
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Keith said...

Don't forget truck drivers, they ride around listen to music, teacher's lectures, perhaps he should get an audio riddle book.

Keith said...

The new riddle is too long for my dixie cup, besides it is the weekend so I'm off from the riddles.

Claire said...

Well it will have to be the weekend riddle.