Thursday, October 12, 2006


Never start a voyage on the first Monday in April.
This is the day that Cain slew Able.

Don’t start a voyage on the second Monday in August.
This is the day sondom & gommrrah was destroyed.

Starting a cruise on Dec. 31 is bad.
This is the day Judas Iscariat hanged himself.

Black traveling bags are bad luck for a seaman.
Black is the color of death and indicative of the depths of the sea.

Avoid people with red hair when going to the ship to begin a journey.
Red heads bring bad luck to a ship, which can be averted if you speak to the red-head before they speak to you.


Mickey said...

Now those are some interesting facts.

Al said...

how about i just don't take a cruise!!!

how do i know you didn't make some of those up anyway?

bobby said...

Hog wsh- Complete Hogwash

Claire said...

As you know I don't always agree with Bobby but in this case I do.