Wednesday, August 23, 2006


The Albatross has the largest wing span of any bird at over 11 feet (3.05 M).

The Giant Salamander is the world's largest amphibian measuring up to 5 feet 11 inches (1.8 M) long.

The American Woodcock is the world's slowest flying bird.

The Ruppel's Vulture is the highest flying bird with altitudes recorded at 37,000 feet (11,277 M).

The Killer Whale is the fastest swimming mammal with a maximum speed of 34 mph (55 Km/h).

Dolphins always keep one eye open while sleeping.

The Giant Spidercrab is the world's largest crustacean with a claw span of 9 feet (2.74 M).


Al said...

scott you don't tell everyone in your class stoopid factz off the top of your head do you? i hope you don't show off like that!!!

Melanie said...

I can tell a difference in Scott's stoopid factz - are these things he is learning in his classes?