Friday, July 21, 2006


The Portuguese Man-of-War, a jellyfish like creature, has tentacles that may be more than 30m (about 100 ft) long.

The skin of poison dart frogs contains a dangerous toxin.

Electric eels are capable of emitting a discharge of 600 volts.

The Pitohui, a bird from New Guinea, has poisonous skin and feathers.

Puffer fish can be poisonous to eat if not prepared properly.


Al said...

i learned about the puffer fish bye watching the simpsons. homer ate one of those fish prepared wrong! i guess it doesn't work on cartoon charactors. just another stoopid factz!!

Claire said...

What can I say about the FACTZ I'm at the beach and I don't like to like about what is in the 78 degree water. Well maybe it is not in the surf where I go.

Scott the new people have left the light on the house every night. What you did was a Great FACTZ

maryl said...

Hey Gang! I wonder if the electric eel charge is anything like the BEACH washing machine!

Claire said...

Great to hear from Marilyn. You remembered your password

Melanie said...

i have got to go to race track - that has got to be the best show in town!

donna said...

You're tough, Gary! Stick to your guns! Guys like that give racin' a bad name! Depending on which way the rain goes, we'll either be at VMS or ODS tonight. Hope things stay calm. I don't like all that controversy!

Mickey said...

Glenn use to always see an electric eel when he was the beach.

bobby said...

George wasn't at Southside last night was he?

bobby said...

George wasn't at Southside last night was he?